long time, no blogging.

Time to blog..  right now are me and my group working with a module called 'concept and development' but before i tell you all fantastic readers about that i'm going to write some lines about what i have been up to since my last post here.

After the module 'communication skills' did we start with a module called 'experience tchnology' where the assignment was to create some kind of new and innovative product/concept whitin digital media. We were divided in groups and my group was me, jenny, andreas and kalle. Each group got some technuiqe thing and my group got a pack af different sensors called phidgets.

We used 6 ir-sensors and created a board were we placed the sensors behind and placed the the board on the floor. Each sensor was connected to a specifik sound through flash and actionscript3. 

Our product gave the user the chance to create own music and the only thing that needed to be used was the hands because we had those ir-sensors on the other side of the board.

At the end of this module we all went to stockholm for an exhibition wich was nice. There was many visitors, both from agencies and public.

Right now are we as i sayed working with a module called 'concept and development' where we all have to come up with a new concept within digital media but focus more on the development and how we should to do bring this out to the possible users.